World Keratoconus Day 2022
Keratoconus is a change of the shape of the front of the eye called the cornea. The cornea becomes...
Keratoconus: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
What is Keratoconus? Keratoconus is also known as conical cornea. Kerato means cornea and conus...
Myopia In Children and Teens | Why Does It Affect So Many Children?
What is Myopia? Myopia (near-sightedness) is when close-up objects look clear but distant objects...
5 Things to Know About Children’s Eyes and Vision
Avoid digital screens: Engage children in toys based playing and learning activities over IPad,...
Dry Eyes Or Allergy? Know The Difference
The two most commonly experienced eye-related problems are dry eyes and ocular allergies. Although...
Know the medical term for lazy eye is “Amblyopia”
The eye that is used less becomes weaker (“lazy”) over time. The brain ignores signals from the...
3 Reasons Why You Should Go visit an Eye Specialist
Checking your eye number at a spectacle shop and visiting an eye specialist are different. In...
Eating Your Way To Healthy Eyesight
Eating your way to healthy eyesight Carrots and spinach have been in the limelight for way too...
Keeping An Eye on Your Precious Eyes
Routine screening and check-ups can help diagnose and treat eye conditions that may be difficult...