

5 Natural Ways To Improve Dry Eyes

Treatment for dry eyes

Are your eyes feeling dry and uncomfortable?

Try these quick and natural remedies to improve your dry eyes:

💧 Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes hydrated.

🔥 Warm Compress: Apply a warm, moist compress to your closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes once a week to relieve dryness.

🕶️ Wear Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from wind and sun exposure by wearing sunglasses outdoors.

Limit Screen Time: Take breaks from digital devices and spend more time outdoors to reduce eye strain.

🐟 Omega-3 Foods: Incorporate omega-3 rich foods like flax seeds and salmon into your diet to support tear production.

With these simple steps, you can help alleviate dry eye symptoms naturally.

#DryEyes #EyeDoctor #DryEyeDisease #EyeSurgeon

Dr. Samita Moolani Katara


Consulting Ophthalmologist

Moolani’s Eye Care Centre, Pune